ChemoPrescribe LLC.
ChemoPrescribe LLC., which includes,,, is a free web-based information tool, developed to allow cancer patients and care givers easily access relevant and comprehensive information about cancer prevention and screening, diagnosis and treatment, research across the cancer spectrum, from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) websites. The information on the NCI website is science-based, authoritative, and up-to-date, and is regularly updated with the latest evidence-based information.
Website Links
This website includes multiple links, and a significant portion of the information on this website is gathered from the website of the National Cancer Institute ( The NCI (National Cancer Institute) website in turn includes links to external websites. Selection of external links is at NCI discretion and does not imply endorsement of external organizations, their products and services. NCI does not guarantee the currency, accuracy, relevance, or completeness of information found on linked, external websites.
Please note the following regarding the content provided on this website:
Please note the following regarding the content provided on this website:
This graphic notice () next to a link on the website indicates that the link leads to another site that is not a federal government website.
Links to external websites is a supplement to the information found on NCI’s website. However, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of information provided on external websites and does not indicate an endorsement by ChemoPrescribe.
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